Showing posts with label family secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family secrets. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sometimes What They Don't Know will Hurt Them

Growing up in a family who thinks keeping secrets is always okay, wrecks much havoc on the innocent in more ways than one.  Relatives distrust one another when the truth finally comes out.  People don't call or come around as much. 

A question for most individuals negatively impacted by things hid in the dark, so to speak, might be, "Why wasn't I told years ago?  How could everyone keep this from me?"  When lies are uncovered, and truth is your truth, it hurts.  However, it is a very different story when the lies or truth about someone else have little to do with you.  People can become insensitive, expect people to get over some things in their time, be aggressive about discovering more truth, and so on.  With so many voices around saying one thing or another, the one hurt by years of story-telling may want nothing more from relatives but silence.  Respect that!

Don't wonder why some loved ones don't bother coming around for family events.  Victims of  exaggerations, fabrications, and half-truths, get weary of experiencing the following:  uncomfortable feelings, guarding their hearts, watching every little thing they say, and so on.  How can one have a good time in the company of deceivers?  How is one able to forgive and forget over night when it took years to keep secrets?

Sometimes what you don't know will hurt you and others.  This is why some of the best friendships fall apart, people knew things, but never told.  Of course, we have to use discretion when sharing past stories with others, especially loose canons, but there are ways to subtly expose lies.  Here are a few.

1.  Direct the person to the source of the secrets without explaining anything in detail.  "You might want to talk to Aunt Sally about that...she knows a lot about the past or maybe talk to Uncle Bill, he doesn't mind sharing truth about the family."

2.  Use photos, family history documents, and other things related to past events and pose questions  in a way that will get the listener to start to think.

3.  Don't talk to the relative about what you think you might know.  Stand by everything you do know when confronted.

4.  When sharing information that include others, leave the names out who told you about certain events.  But if you don't care about a future confrontation and feel like you are protected, then by all means, speak what you know.

People who know secrets about others should never assume anything, add to their stories, or appear like they know all the facts when they really don't!  If approached, remember to lead the person to others who may want to talk about what they have been hiding all these years.

Nicholl McGuire

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Truth Will Set You Free

We think that because they are our relatives and friends that they will always tell the truth, but can I tell you, they won't!  Some will tell partial truths, others will tell white lies, while others won't say anything at all.

Some of us need the truth.  For the truth will set us free!  If you are spiritual, you know that the enemy keeps you in bondage by not telling the truth.  There are those who think they are doing the right thing simply by saying, "I rather not know."  Maybe you don't, but there are others that may be living daily with a lie.  Why not let the captives free and allow these people to tell the truth?

Relatives and friends may claim they care about us and that is why they rather not say anything at all about a family secret.  But when there is always that possibility of knowing the truth, why let someone you care about find out through a weird circumstance, a carelessly left paper or from a stranger on the street?

I think of someone who I had encountered who believes that a certain man is her father, when in fact he isn't!  Over the years, she has battled with so many issues and no one can find it in their hearts to share this information with her.  What if all her searching for peace of mind was due to the questions she always had about her identity?  Would the truth finally set her free?  No one wants to be the messenger, for fear they will be responsible for sending her over the edge.  In this case, I have since removed myself from her family.  I personally believe it is up to them to sit her down and talk to her, I can only hope and pray they will do just that.

I personally wouldn't want anyone in my own family to make the decision for me "to not say anything to Nicholl about..."  Give me enough information, without all the details at first, then let me think about whether I need to know more.  There is a way to slowly let a person know the truth without dumping it all in their lap at once!

I know for some people, they put some relatives and friends on pedestals in their lives, and that may be a very nice thing to do, but realize, that sometimes the one you love the most will hurt you.  For those who know the truth, but keep going along with a lie, especially if you claim to be a Christ believer, understand that there is someone much greater than man you will have to answer to.  For those who don't feel accountable to a creator, what goes around comes back around.

Nicholl McGuire

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Secrets Destroying Your Relationship? What to Do About Them.

Someone knows something about you that you don’t want your partner to know. You know you should have told him or her by now; but you don’t want to because you fear what he or she may think of you if they knew the truth, so you continue to lie or don’t say anything at all.

It may have been a scar on your body that you lied about, an experience that you told them but left out the details, or something that you did in the past that you regret. Whatever the secret, if it is killing your peace, stealing your joy, or destroying your relationship, then it is something that has to be said and you will just have to deal with the consequences as they come up.

People lie out of fear and they make up excuses when they don’t want to bother with the truth. “I told you this lie, because I was scared you would break up with me.” The reality is that a person will more likely break up with you because you didn’t just come out with the truth and kept the lie going. It is never too late to tell the truth, but if and when you do, prepare yourself for the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Too many people have a false hope when it comes to a secret-- the hope that no one will ever find out about it. But as we see someone always finds out as long as there is someone living to talk about it or evidence circulating about it. That is why in the movies the snitch is murdered and the object of discussion is destroyed. But such drastic measures need not happen when the truth is told right from the very beginning. There is a way to tell the truth and relieve your conscience without saying anything and the following information will help you do just that.

Some people will purposely leave information behind so that someone else tells what happens. Others will tell a big mouth in the hopes that they will tell whoever needs to be told or they may write an anonymous letter. Strangers can be some secretive people’s best friend by being there to listen. They are able to find the peace they need when they confide in someone who isn’t involved and doesn’t know them.

Another way to tell your truth is by leaving circumstances and events open to question. For example, you can tell just enough about an incident and leave it open to interpretation usually leaning toward the truth. The person listening can read between the lines if they are smart enough. If it is too embarrassing even for them, they may have learned of the secret, but never say a word. I think of media outlets like the National Enquirer, they wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t some celebrity’s assistant, family member or friend feeding them with secrets. Who knows maybe this is why many celebrities don’t bother to sue, because they know it all isn’t a lie?

You may be giving yourself a hard time about someone finding out about your secret or maybe someone else is giving you stress about someone finding out, but if it is killing what matters the most to you then rid yourself of it and try using some of the ways that were explained to you. Because if you don’t, you will find yourself creating more lies to cover up lies.

Once you have made up in your mind how you will expose your secret, have thought about all of the consequences as a result, go ahead and show or tell your truth. Just like a teacher assigns a child a “show and tell” assignment in school, you will have to be prepared to show or tell your secret. Avoid the temptation to lie again and if you find yourself doing it, tell the person, “I’m sorry, let me try this again…this is what I really meant…no what I just said is incorrect…” If you fear the person may act violent, don’t be around when they find out your secret. If you rely on the person for food, money, and shelter then wait until you have these things before you tell them anything. You don’t want to be put out on the street. If you have children with this person, be sure you know what to do if they should threaten to take your children away from you because of the secret. If you know you have done or said something that may help in a criminal investigation then be sure to have a support system around you such as a lawyer, clergy, and family. There are those secrets that may be related to employment. If so, don’t say anything unless you have another job. You don’t want to do the right thing and then fin that you are without a job. Exposing a secret has to be well thought out, timed appropriately and all options must be exhausted. People get into heaps of trouble when they don’t consider who may get hurt and what may happen as a result of exposing a secret that affects them or someone else.

When you expose a secret that is bringing you or someone you love much pain and grief, you will feel a peace in spite of the consequences. You will wonder what took you so long. In time, you will find that you are acting different. There will be those bouts that you will wish you had never said anything, but then you will remember the peace of having finally told. Even if you don’t feel comfortable in your decision initially, think of the person who may be helped as a result. Of course, if you have told lies to cover up your secret, you will have to earn their trust again.

Think of the many people who have told their stories of sexual and physical abuse, things they saw, what they heard and how their stories helped so many including themselves. If we all kept everything to ourselves and said nothing, then we would all die with broken hearts having helped no one. I thank God for those people who came before me and shared their terrible secrets, if it wasn’t for their courage, I would have never been able to face my own challenges.

Sometimes when people carry secrets they may not realize that what is so important to them may not matter to the person who loves them. If someone truly loves you, then they will walk through the fire with you. If you look at the benefit of having a secret and eventually tell it, you will find that it is a test on whether or not a relationship was meant to be. If this person who claims that they love you can’t handle a little secret, then what makes you think they will be able to handle even bigger challenges in the future? You may have to re-evaluate whether you want to spend the rest of your life with them or not.

Finally, there are those secrets that don’t help anyone and those are better left being buried with you when you die.


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