Holiday seasons can make or break families. Some trouble-making relatives simply don't want to mind their own business, behave themselves, or act respectfully around others. So with that said, you will want to be proactive in protecting your mind, body and spirit this upcoming season while alerting those closest to you that you don't want to be bothered with the gossips, liars, braggarts, or drunkards in your family or others.
Here are a some things you can do to keep the family drama at bay. Remember, the more involved you are with certain family members, the more likely you will find yourself in the middle of some nonsense!
1) Stay busy with your own task list. Don't offer service and don't expect others to help you with your holiday plans.
If you are busy, you won't have any idle time to participate in the latest family drama. You also won't be available to offer service or ask for help. In some cases, no good deed goes unpunished. Picky, petty and controlling types will not be satisfied with your assistance no matter what you do! Lazy, rude or manipulative relatives may appear helpful initially, but in time they will make a mountain out of a molehill regarding your holiday planning requests.
2) Avoid answering the phone or visiting those relatives who merely want to talk about what everyone else is doing.
So much time is wasted because someone wants you to be available to listen to their comments, complaints, concerns, etc. about someone else. Is it any wonder why unflattering information gets passed around by the gossips? Feed into the b.s. and you will surely be caught in their web of destruction sooner rather than later.
3) Safeguard your wallet by not offering or promising to buy any items for anyone when you know that your funds are running low. Don't expect others to buy you and your family members anything.
You will surely be let down if you are relying on petty people to make you and your family happy this year with their cheap gifts. When you know that money is tight, why upset a spouse or children by trying to impress others with pricey gifts? Stay quiet about buying anything or wanting anything in return. Meanwhile, you just might hear how others are such a burden for expecting relatives to buy them as well as their children.
4) Opt out of preparing holiday meals when once again you know you can't afford it.
The irritation and anger shows up out of nowhere when you are spending money you really don't have on things that will bite you in the butt later! Just because someone else wants to holiday plan, doesn't mean you have to.
5) Don't involve anyone in past or current conflict concerning your relatives. Teach children to stay out of grown folks business!
Children, believe it or not, can be a source of confusion and misery during holiday seasons. They are desiring any number of things: a new pet, divorced parents reconciled, expensive gifts, lots of money, college funds...whatever someone has manipulated them into believing. When the negativity begins to arise in children, put a stop to it quickly! Explain your situation as well as scold rebellious children. Difficult young people can easily be used by mean-spirited adults to carry negative information about you as well as others, don't fuel the fire!
When people are getting along, the holiday season comes and goes without conflict, but when people are at war with one another before a holiday season, all hell breaks loose sometimes sooner rather than later. Know who your family foes are and avoid them like a plague!
Nicholl McGuire
Jana's Bachelorette Trip
[image: Jana's Bachelorette Trip]
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