Friday, March 10, 2023

How to Know You are in an Unhealthy Relationship

It is not uncommon for people to find themselves in unhealthy friendships. Unfortunately, this type of relationship can be detrimental to both individuals involved. To help protect yourself and others from being a part of an unhealthy friendship, here are a few warning signs that may indicate that you or someone else is not a good friend.  

One major sign is when one person begins to take advantage of the other person by asking for favors constantly without offering anything in return. This could involve asking for money, rides, or assistance with household tasks without ever reciprocating the favor. Another indication is when one person in the friendship only calls or texts during times of need and neglects their friend most other times. It becomes especially concerning if this individual always has something they need help with, but never takes time to just catch up or show appreciation.  

The most telling sign is when one friend continuously puts the other down or undermines their opinions and decisions. This can manifest in subtle put-downs disguised as jokes, or open criticism of someone's ideas. All these behaviors are indicative of an unhealthy friendship that should be avoided at all costs to protect both individuals involved from emotional harm.
If you notice any of these signs present in a relationship, it might be time to reconsider whether it is worth continuing the friendship. It is important to have healthy relationships with others and if a friendship fails this test, then it is best for everyone involved to move on. Remember that having good friends who treat us with respect and kindness is essential to our wellbeing.  

The bottom line is that it can be hard to let go of someone you care about, but if the signs point towards a detrimental friendship, then it may be necessary for your own safety. Be sure to look out for these warning signs in any future friendships you create and do your best to create healthier relationships with those around you.  

More than anything else, remember that having friends who value us and make us feel appreciated should be at the top of our list when it comes to relationships. A healthy relationship will have mutual respect and understanding, as well as plenty of time spent enjoying each other's company without expecting anything in return. Being a good friend means being there for each other and supporting one another in challenging times, but also giving each other space to grow as individuals.  

With a little effort, you can create and maintain relationships that are beneficial for everyone involved! If you or someone you know is struggling with being a good friend, there are many resources available to help. It is important to keep communication open and honest so that both people feel comfortable expressing their needs. With the right support, anyone can work on building healthy friendships! 

Nicholl McGuire is the owner of this blog and the author of Say Goodbye to Dad and Tell Me Mother You're Sorry.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Response to Listener - Did God Tell You to Relocate?

How to Teach Children Life Skills to Help Them Become Good People

 Teaching life skills to children is an important part of parenting. It can be hard work, but it is well worth the effort in the long run. Here are some tips on how to teach your child some valuable lessons about work, responsibility, caring for others, and overall good character:  

1. Encourage a strong work ethic: Show your child that hard work pays off by setting a good example yourself. Talk about why hard work is important and why it’s necessary to do one’s best at all times. Set achievable goals for your child and reward them when they reach these milestones.  

2. Teach responsibility: Kids need to understand that their actions have consequences and that taking responsibility for mistakes is part of life. Set clear expectations for your child and help them understand why it’s important to take responsibility for their actions. Praise them when they do the right thing, and be consistent with punishment if they don’t. 

3. Foster empathy: One way to teach children how to care for others is to show them examples of people who are in need and talk about ways that they can help out. Showing your child how one small act of kindness can make a big difference will stay with them throughout their lives. 

4. Lead by example: We all want our kids to grow up into good people, but we have to model this behavior ourselves as well. Teach your child the value of respect, kindness, and politeness by living these values in your own life. Show them the importance of integrity and being honest with others. 


By teaching your child these important life skills you’ll be giving them valuable tools that will serve them well as they grow into adulthood. Hopefully, these tips have been helpful to you as you work on instilling strong character traits in your child!  

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

How to Keep a Family Secret

 When the family gathers for the holidays, there is bound to be some story-telling occurring and when that happens there may also be the temptation to share information you shouldn't. The end result is someone being unhappy resulting in ruined relationships. 

It's not always easy to keep a secret about a family member, especially if you are close. People in your life may ask for details and it can be hard to stay quiet. Here are some tips to help you keep the secret: 

1. Know your audience. Don’t tell people who don’t need to know or those who aren't trustworthy. If someone is known for spreading gossip, they probably won't be able to keep your secret either!  

2. Have an excuse ready. Before even talking about the secret topic, think of a plausible explanation that doesn't involve disclosing the secret should anyone ever bring it up again in conversation or confront you with questions directly.  

3. Be honest, but vague. Don’t lie about the secret, but also don’t provide too many details either. People will often ask more questions if they feel like you have left something out or didn't give them all of the information.  


4. Practice self-control and discretion. It can be tempting to tell someone a secret that you have been keeping, but try not to slip up and make sure your body language isn't giving away anything either! 


5. Trust yourself to keep it secret. Protecting the secret may require some effort on your part, but remember - it is possible for you to do it! Just stay positive and trust in your ability to keep quiet when necessary.  

At the end of the day, you should be able to trust yourself to keep a secret about a family member. With these tips in mind, you can make sure that your secret is safe and secure! Good luck!

Nicholl McGuire is the owner of this blog and the author of Tell Me Mother You're Sorry. 


Sunday, November 20, 2022

How to Create and Publish a Family History Book

When compiling a family history book, it is important to make sure that it is easy to read and understand. One way to do this is by dividing the book into chapters based on different time periods or events in the family's history. You can also include images and other visuals to help illustrate the story.
If you should give the family history book as a gift, it is important to consider the recipient's interests and level of interest in genealogy. Some family members may be more interested in learning about their ancestors, while others may prefer stories about life growing up in the family. Be sure to tailor the book accordingly. 

One way to make the book more personal is to include stories and anecdotes from family members. This can help make the book more interesting and engaging for readers. You can also include copies of old photos, documents, and other memorabilia to help bring the story to life. 

Memoirs can be a challenge because they require honesty and objectivity. In order to write an accurate memoir, family historians must be able to step back and objectively view their own lives. This can be difficult, especially when memories are wrapped up in strong emotions. Additionally, memoirs often require research in effort to verify facts. 

Consider how long you might want the book to be and is the details provided by relatives about personal experiences really relevant. To determine what to keep and what to omit, revisit what the purpose of the book is. For instance, do you only want to talk about the family's tough upbringing and how they overcame it or you might want to discuss only rags to riches stories. Whatever your focus, be sure that it connects with the main topic of the book

Common Mistakes Family History Historians and Writers Make

One of the most common mistakes that writers make when compiling and writing family history books is not doing enough research. This can include not interviewing family members, not researching online and offline archives, and not fact-checking information. As a result, family history books are often filled with inaccuracies and mistakes. 

Another common mistake is failing to organize information well. This can lead to a messy and unreadable book. Writers also often make the mistake of including too much personal information, which can make the book less interesting to read. 

Finally, many writers lack the writing skills necessary to produce an enjoyable book. This often results in a book that is dry and boring to read. 

So, if you are thinking about compiling and writing a family history book, be sure to do your research, organize your information well, and polish your writing skills. Otherwise, your book may end up being a disappointment for you and your family. 

On Publishing Your Family History Book

When publishing a family history book, there are a few key things to consider in order to choose the best online book publishing platform for your needs. Some factors to take into account include cost, quality of finished product, and how much help the platform provides in terms of design and marketing.

One option is to use a self-publishing platform like Bookemon or similar ones. These platforms allow you to create a custom book, but you are responsible for all of the design and marketing work yourself. This can be a lot of work, but it can also be very rewarding to see your finished product.

Another option is to use a publishing company that specializes in family history books. These companies usually offer more design and marketing help, but they can also be more expensive. Some popular options include Cedar Fort Publishing and Genealogical Publishing Company.

Finally, if you don't have the time or resources to publish your own book, you can always hire a professional publisher. This option can be expensive, but it can also be worth it if you want a high-quality finished product. 

Nicholl McGuire is the owner of this blog and contributor.  She has self-published 17 books to date. Check out book publishing platform Bookemon.  It is an excellent tool to get you book published today!


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