Tis the season! With the hustle and bustle that is sure to come as we close out another year, you know how some relatives will behave, not so nice.
You have celebrated holidays with the same group year after year, so do you really expect anything different? I will tell you, two groups that stand out in my mind at these family gatherings are the rude and greedy kinfolk. These people bring their share of drama every time they show up to a family event.
Let's talk about the rude folks first. These people have issues with everyone! They don't refrain from their critical comments. Their negative attitudes never take a vacation no matter what the occasion. They are often quick to talk and what comes out of their mouths you never know. These people are usually forewarned before they arrive to behave, but do they listen?
As for the greedy folks. You know the kind that love to take far too much of the favorite foods and drinks? Never tell these people, "Help yourself." Here's what you end up saying later, "Are you going to leave any for the rest of us?" They don't care about anyone but themselves. If it isn't the mother piling up a bunch of food on plates to go back home, it is the hungriest of them all going back for a third, fourth, or fifth plus plate!
These as well as other types I mentioned might be in your family too. You love them, but you don't have to put up with them unless you want to--your choice.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Welcome Elsie and Emma
[image: Welcome Elsie and Emma]
Exciting news! Jedidiah and Katey Duggar welcomed their twin girls. Elsie
Kate Duggar and Emma Kate Duggar arrived on Janu...